UFOs: Real or Imagined? : A Scientific Investigation, by Stanton T. Friedman, 2012.
Y 001.94 FRI

Y 001.94 SCH
Supernatural Signs, Symbols, and Codes, by Beryl Dhanjal, Arlene Billings, 2012.
Y 130 SUP

Y 133.1 SUP
Ancient Egypt's Myths and Beliefs, by Fergus Fleming and Alan Lothian, 2012.
Y 299 FLE
Five Thousand Years of Slavery, by Marjorie Gann, Janet Willen, 2011.
Y 306.3 GAN
Understanding Economic Data, by Susan Meyer, 2012.
Understanding Economic Indicators: Predicting Future Trends in the Economy, by Kathy Furgang, 2012.
How markets work, by Diane Bailey, 2012.
Y 330 ECO
Start It Up: The Complete Teen Business Guide to Turning Your Passions Into Pay, by Kenrya Rankin, 2011.
Y 330 RAN
Geothermal Power, by Carla Mooney, 2011.
Y 333.8 MOO
The Politics of Saving the Environment, edited by Michael Anderson, 2012.
Y 337.72 AND
The Science of War: Strategies, Tactics, and Logistics, edited by Robert Curley, 2012.
Y 355.4 BRI
Your Career in the.... Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, 2012.
Y 355 - Y 363
Getting Wasted: Why College Students Drink Too Much and Party So Hard, by Thomas Vander Ven, 2011.
Y 362.29 VAN
Trapped: How the World Rescued 33 Miners From 2,000 Feet Below the Chilean Desert, by Marc Aronson, 2011.
Y 363.11 ARO
Bootleg: Murder, Moonshine, and the Lawless Years of Prohibition, by Karen Blumenthal, 2011.
Y 363.41 BLU
Be Honest: And Other Advice From Students Across the Country, edited by NÃnive Calegari, 2011.
Y 371.8 CAL
Seventeen Ultimate Guide to Style: How to Find Your Perfect Look, by Ann Shoket & the editors of Seventeen, 2011.
Y 391 SEV
Tattoo Art Around the World, by Diane Bailey, 2012.
Y 391.6 BAI
Dance of the Photons: From Einstein to Quantum Teleportation, by Anton Zeilinger, 2010.
Y 530.12 ZEI
Discovering the Speed of Light, by Charles J. Caes, 2012.
Y 535 CAE
Slow Light: Invisibility, Teleportation and Other Mysteries of Light, by Sidney Perkowitz, 2011.
Y 535 PER
Discovering Thermodynamics, by Joseph Kantrowitz, Jeffrey B. Moran, 2012.
Y 536.7 KAN
The Illustrated Timeline of Medicine, by Gill Davies, 2012.
Y 610.9 DAV
Nutrition: Opposing Viewpoints, David Haugen and Susan Musser, book editors, 2012.
Y 613.20 HAU
I Have Diabetes: Now What? (Teen Life 411), by Leslie Green, Pat Kelly, 2012.
Y 616.4 GRE
Tanks: Inside & Out, by Michael E. Haskew, 2012.
Warships: Inside & Out, by Robert Jackson, 2012.
Jet fighters: Inside & Out, by Jim Winchester, 2012.
Y 623 WEA
Wreck the Halls: Cake Wrecks Gets "Festive", by Jen Yates, 2011.
Y 641.86 YAT
Best Resumes for College Students and New Grads: Jump-Start Your Career!, by Louise M. Kursmark, 2012.
Y 650.14 KUR
I.M. Pei: Architect of Time, Place, and Purpose, by Jill Rubalcaba, 2011.
Y 720.92 RUB
The Star Wars Craft Book, by Bonnie Burton, 2011.
Y 745.5 BUR
Knits for Nerds: 30 Projects: Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy, by Joan of Dark, a.k.a. Toni Carr, 2012.
Y 746.4 CAR
The Skateboard: The Good, the Rad, and the Gnarly: An Illustrated History, by Ben Marcus, 2011.
Y 796.22 MAR
The Britannica Guide to...Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, edited by Adam Augustyn, 2012.
Y 796.32 - 796.35 AUG
Writing in Pictures: Screenwriting Made (Mostly) Painless, by Joseph McBride, 2012.
Y 808.2 MCB
The Girl Who Was on Fire: Your Favorite Authors on Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy, edited by Leah Wilson, 2011.
Y 813 WIL
The Tree is Older Than You Are: A Bilingual Gathering of Poems & Stories From Mexico With Paintings by Mexican Artists, selected by Naomi Shihab Nye, 1998.
Y 860.9 NYE
His name was Raoul Wallenberg : Courage, Rescue, and Mystery During World War II, by Louise Borden, 2012.
Y 940.53 BOR
The Faraway Horses: The Adventures and Wisdom of One of America's Most Renowned Horsemen, by Buck Brannaman with William Reynolds, 2011.
Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different, by by Karen Blumenthal, 2012.
Y B JOBS, Steve
Katy Perry: A Life of Fireworks, by Chloe Govan, 2011.
The Pregnancy Project, by Gaby Rodriguez with Jenna Glatzer, 2012.
Y 306.87 ROD
Will Smith, by Lisa M. Iannucci, 2010.
Don't Put Me In Coach: My Incredible NCAA Journey From the End of the Bench to the End of the Bench, by Mark Titus, 2012.
Y 796.323 TIT