Every Wednesday 2:30PM to 4:30PM
The Minecraft Club is run by teens, for all ages who play well with others. Bring your own laptop and have an active Minecraft membership. Beginners and advance players welcome. Minecraft Resources in the Catalog.
Teen Think Tank Meetings
First Thursday of the month
6:30PM to 7:50PM
The Library's teen advisory board, for ages 11-18, meets 11 times a year, on the first Thursday of the month (except July), for 90 minutes. The Teen Think Tank works with the Young Adult Librarian to improve collections (books, audiobooks, music, and films), and to create programs and services designed specifically for teens. Come share your bright ideas! To participate drop by the Library and talk with the Young Adult Librarian, Kim Claire, about your interest in the TTT, or contact Kim at kclaire@mvlc.org.
PSAT Practice Test
Saturday, Sept. 28, 10AM to 1PM
Take a practice PSAT test, complete with results, provided free of charge by Kaplan.
A full-length proctored PSAT practice test shows students what to expect in a test-like environment. Students will receive a comprehensive analysis of their performance from Kaplan, detailing individual strengths and weaknesses. Pre-register at the Reference desk, or call 978-468-5577, or email Kim at kclaire@mvlc.org. Bring a pencil and a calculator to use during the test. The College Board sets the policy for calculators here is the link to the policy:

Movie: Bless Me Ultima
Friday, Oct. 1, 3PM to 4:50PM
"A drama set in New Mexico during WWII, centered on the relationship between a young man and an elderly medicine woman who helps him contend with the battle between good and evil that rages in his village".-from IMDb Rated PG-13.
Based on the book by Rudolfo A. Anaya.
Read the book before seeing the movie: Bless Me, Ultima.
College Financial Aid Workshop
Thursday, Oct. 17, 7PM to 8:30PM

Lives of Civil War Soldiers
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 3PM to 4:30PM
South Coast Historical Associates takes us into the lives of the everyday soldiers and citizens of the Civil War. Using replica firearms and original artifacts such as medical devices, battle flags and everyday items, experience an interactive and engaging program for ages 10+ and adults.
Keynote Speaker for the Library's 2013 Community Read
Dwight Jon Zimmerman
Gordon College, Wenham, MA
Thursday November 7, 2013
Reception @ 6:30 PM
Dwight Jon Zimmerman's Author Talk @ 7:30 PM
No living person has experienced the tragic loss of life, heart-rending decisions and dark days of the American Civil War. Dwight Jon Zimmerman, acclaimed military expert, award-winning author and radio show host, uses his extensive research on Douglass and Lincoln to shed light on our complex past, and invites dialogue about what divides and unites our nation 150 years later.
In The Hammer and the Anvil, author Dwight Jon Zimmerman and artist Wayne Vansant recreate the turbulent era of American history that culminated in the Civil War through the lives of two pivotal figures: Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. Douglass, an escaped slave and brilliant orator, railed against the inequities of human bondage, while Lincoln used his time as a state legislator to try to curb the westward expansion of slavery.
Although the two men had their differences, they had experiences in common as well, and were ultimately united by the same cause. Their dynamic personalities, motives and efforts are skillfully portrayed in this engrossing historical graphic novel.
Reserve your copy of The Hammer and the Anvil today.
Every Saturday in November, 10AM to 3:45PM
NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. This November, people all over the world will attempt to write a 50,000-word novel by midnight, November 30. Local writers will meet at the library every Saturday in November for write-ins. Come when you can! Leave when you like! Brainstorm, socialize, and boost your word count in the company of others who are doing the same. Last year, some authors produced upwards of 3,000 words in a single session. (That's 12 pages in the average printed book!) Call 978-468-5577 or email Sarah at slauderdale@mvlc.org to find out more. Or visit our Library's NaNoWriMo page.
Click this link for: NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program webpage
Graphic Novel As Art
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 7PM to 8:30PM
Word Bubbles and Thought Balloons: The Graphic Novel as an Art Form
Reception @ 6:30 PM
Dwight Jon Zimmerman's Author Talk @ 7:30 PM

Although the two men had their differences, they had experiences in common as well, and were ultimately united by the same cause. Their dynamic personalities, motives and efforts are skillfully portrayed in this engrossing historical graphic novel.
Reserve your copy of The Hammer and the Anvil today.
Every Saturday in November, 10AM to 3:45PM

Click this link for: NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program webpage
Graphic Novel As Art
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 7PM to 8:30PM
Word Bubbles and Thought Balloons: The Graphic Novel as an Art Form
Montserrat College of Art professors Adam Miller and Blyth Hazen present a brief history of comics and graphic novels, followed by a survey of the artistic styles and subgenres - from fantasy to autobiography and historical fiction - that make up this growing and evolving art / literary form. The presentation ends with examples of their work and process from their own studios, leaving time for Q&A about how to develop a graphic novel from idea to finished product.