All of the teen programs are funded by the fantastic Friends of the Hamilton-Wenham Library. The Whimsical Weavings workshop is also funded in part by a grant from the Hamilton-Wenham Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council.
Monday, June 24, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Mandy Roberge from Wicked Good Henna will be here for two hours doing henna tattoos. Come chill to some beats, color a mandala, meet friends, & leave with a wicked good henna tattoo. For teens entering grades 6 to 12 in Fall 2019. Sign-up on the day; tattoos will be done on first come, first served basis.
Youth Book Sale and a Movie
Stock up for the summer at this youth book sale,
organized by the Friends of the H-W Library.
organized by the Friends of the H-W Library.
Shop for books & stay for a movie:
Green Art: Whimsical Weavings Workshop
Saturday, June 29, 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Make a colorful weaving using found materials. Learn how to construct a simple loom and re-purpose favorite garments, natural fibers, and other items as playful textile artworks. You are encouraged to bring favorite old garments, ribbons and other textiles that you want to use for this project. This weaving workshop is for ages 8 to adult. Participants under 13 years of age must be accompanied by an adult guardian. Registration required.
👽Contest: Spot Hank the alien in his UFO
Hank will hover around our library this summer. If you see him, fill out a raffle ticket in the teen area to win his twin. Contest ends August 16.
Monday, July 8, 7:00 PM to 9:45 PM

In the 50 years since humans first walked across the lunar surface we've developed a much better understanding of when and how the moon formed, and what it's been up to for the last 4+ billion years since it formed. A number of recent lunar missions have shown the potential for finding water on the moon, which is critical for establishing the infrastructure for continued exploration as well as commercialization. We'll look at these developments and what the future may hold for Earth's closest cosmic companion.
At ~8:45 p.m. we will move outside for observation through NSAAC telescopes. This event is best for ages 10 and up. No registration required. Rain date is Tuesday, July 9, same time.
Saturday, July 13, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Play 10 holes of mini-golf on hills, jumps, bumps, twists, and loops on the first floor of the library.
For all ages. No registration required.
How to Boil Water
Learn to boil water with Liz Barbour of Creative Feast. Chef Liz will take the class step-by-step through 1 pasta dish and 1 rice dish that everyone can make at home with confidence and success. This cooking demonstration and discussion is open to teens entering grades 6 to 12 in Fall 2019. Space is limited. Registration required.
Monday, July 15, 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Join chef Liz Barbour for a cooking class that will help take the mystery out of this amazing, time saving kitchen tool. Liz will demonstrate 2 recipes that you can recreate at home. Following her demonstration Liz will offer tasty samples for everyone to enjoy. Open to teens aged 13 years and up and to adults. Registration required.
👽Vintage Outer Space Movie Schedule:

Thursday, July 18, 6:30 PM to 7:55 PM
Monday, July 22, 6:30 PM to 8:10 PM
Thursday, July 25, 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM
Monday, July 29, 6:30 PM to 8:15 PM
👽Zodiac Mosaics Workshop
Monday, August 5, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Use a variety of mosaic items, from glass tiles to beads and baubles, to create a project -- either functional or simply a piece of art -- unique to your creative side and to your astrological sign.
Open to teens entering grades 6 to 12 in Fall 2019, and to adults. Registration required.
Parkour Workshop with Gymja Warrior
This 2 hour workshop will cover the basics of vaults, proper landings, and various jumping techniques taught by certified parkour professionals. Open to teens entering grades 6 - 12 in Fall 2019. Registration required. To participate a release & waiver of liability must be signed by parent/guardian. Release forms available at the Reference desk.
👽Marble Planet Pendants Workshop
Monday, August 12, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Create a planet pendant using wires and pliers, and then create a unique strand on which to hang it, using leather cording, beads and wire, or macramé techniques. Open to teens entering grades 6 to 12 in Fall 2019, and to adults. Registration required.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Smash Ultimate Tournament with One Up Games
Thursday, August 15, 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM
A tournament for Super Smash Bros. & Mario Kart 8. Compete in both! Friendlies begin at 2:30pm; official tournament brackets start at 3:00pm. There will be pro and GameCube controllers available, as well as Nintendo GameCube adapters. Players are welcome to bring their own controller.
Open to teens entering grades 6 to 12 in Fall 2019.
Open to teens entering grades 6 to 12 in Fall 2019.
Max. # of players is 25. Sign up to play on the day. Prizes!